Gigabytes Are The Future - Episode 189

This week Dustin and Scott are back after a week off from the 4th of July. We avoid politics and  remissness about when arcades at the beach were awesome. In this week's news we discuss a Ford Dealership lifting Firewatch's artwork, PSN says a person's real name is too offensive for the service, Overwatch being more popular than LoL in South Korea, The Mana Pool Podcast missing Dustin, Activision being awesome in helping new vets, the 3D Nes Emulator's release, the insane story of GS:GO betting, and more! Enjoy! 

NASCAR Hipsters - Episode 188

This week we go full American with Dustin getting an AR-15 and Scott having some Bud Light. Topics this week cover a documentary called Easy to Learn Hard to Master - The Fate of Atari, Warcraft movie reviews from Mike T & Duhmez, a 17 year-old Overwatch player is so good pros think she's cheating, Mighty No. 9's reception, the joy of podcasting, and more! Enjoy!

NTSC to NTSC - Episode 187

Welp, we do our best to chat about this year's E3! Dustin had an awesome time watching Sony's conference in an iMax theatre while Scott enjoyed taking in Giant Bomb's stream of the events. Scott bought Duck Hunt and Gyromite carts in hopes that he'd find a Famicom adaptor inside but didn't have any luck. Dustin found a great deal on for System Shock 2 and gives his impressions of the game since he didn't play it back in the day. We also talk about Blood Omen, Cannon Strike, Uncharted 4, The Order 1886, DOOM and more! Enjoy!

Trade Whip Tips - Episode 186

This week we find out Dustin appears to have a green thumb while Scott watches a DJ eat Taco Bell during a set. We discuss the odd Ford Fusion commercial with Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid 1, Bloodstained's demo, Ben Heck's power glove tear-down, The Witness on the NES, Techmo Bowl originally having penalties, Skyrim on potatoes and more! Enjoy!

Commercialized Insanity - Episode 185

This week we talk about hanging out and playing video games over Memorial Day weekend. We also had a lot of fun with some new live viewers on Twitch! For the news things that caught are attention were Kung Fury 2, Steam selling 500,000 Steam controllers, Thousands banned in Overwatch for cheater, Happily Ever After on NES getting it's ROM dumped, AMD's $200 VR card called the 480, and Oculus's storefront piracy issues. Dustin has been playing Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, Max Payne, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD and Brandish: The Dark Revenant. Scott's been enjoying Overwatch, Hearthstone and Rocket league while re-watching his favorite Let's Play of all time, Giant Bomb's Endurance Run of Chrono Trigger. 

They've Got Sweeter Guns - Episode 184

This week Dustin and Scott talk about game bugs that make a game impossible to finish after reading Patrick Klepek's article about TMNT on DOS being impossible, Overwatch's release, FOX stealing game footage from YouTube then issuing a take-down of the original video, a more Powerful Xbox One in 2017 and more. Enjoy!

Zelda Every Friday - Episode 183

This week's episode is a little shorter but we still had a great time talking about some of our terrible ideas for Nintendo Movies, Original Xbox Live names we'd want, Cinemassacre's Ghostbusters drama, a Zero Tolerance approach to Blizzard, the Zelda cartoon, Sonic's Genesis intro and much more! Enjoy!

BOOM! Conjunctivitis - Episode 182

This week Dustin and Scott talk about a potential perfect game of Donkey Kong being played, Super Punch-Out coming to virtual console, Disney canceling Infinity, Titanfall 2 coming this fall, Battfield 1's title confusing us, DOOM looking pretty good, LoL teams getting banned, Caddyshack in study hall and more! Enjoy!

Right Ganders, Forget It - Episode 181

This week Dustin and Scott talk about some Star Wars games they liked, Call of Duty Infinite Warfare's trailer giving Ghostbusters a run for it's money in the dislike department, getting wired internet across your house, Oculus Pre-Order delays while Best Buy will receive units to sell, this month's PS Plus games, Trigglypuff and more!

Walking Pneumonia - Episode 180

This week was our most unprepared episode in a long time but was still a lot of fun. We talk about Nintendo selling their 55% stake in the Seattle Mariners, Zelda being delayed until 2017, Rocket League's basketball mode, ecto cooler plus a lot of talk of being a teenager in the 90s. Enjoy!